• About

    Midlife storyteller Jasmine Jae Hermann

    #RealTalk is a modern midlife anti-crisis movement created by Jasmine Jae Hermann (that’s me!).


    I created #RealTalk to share my midlife commentary and feel less alone navigating this interesting (read: exhausting, painful, and sometimes hilarious) phase of life.

    You can expect sassy op-eds. Or, other times, I might tug on your heartstrings with a personal essay.

    Everything I share is “real talk” because I don’t hold back. Real talk every day, all day for grown Gen X folks.

    Why “anti-crisis”?

    Midlife is ripe with ups and downs (and sideways turns), but no matter how f*cked up midlife can feel, it’s not a crisis—midlife is just a part of life.

    So, while I often feel like I have no more f*cks to give, sharing “real talk” helps me navigate my remaining f*cks while simultaneously figuring out my sh!t.

    Why subscribe to #RealTalk Central?

    Membership has its benefits:

    → Convenience—direct-to-you posts in your inbox.

    → Subscriber-Only perks including: 

    • First dibs on new posts
    • Discounts on #RealTalk swag
    • BTS exclusives via The Cru

    What you will NOT find here: the latest fashions for mature women, midlife women beauty trends, or romance novel banter… because I don’t care about any of that dribble.

    You may find yourself in my posts. Maybe you’ll laugh or cry. You might find some motivation to share your “real talk” with the world.

    Above all, I hope my stories inspire you to live boldly and always keep things real.



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